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200 Crystalline Axe |
100 Crystal Crossbow |
250 Earthheart hauberk |
250 Earthheart platemail |
250 Earthmind raiment |
250 Earthsoul tabard |
250 Fireheart cuirass |
250 Fireheart hauberk |
250 Fireheart platemail |
250 Firemind raiment |
250 Firesoul tabard |
250 Frostheart cuirass |
250 Frostheart hauberk |
250 Frostheart platemail |
250 Frostmind raiment |
250 frostsoul tabard |
250 Earthheart cuirass |
150 Gill coat |
150 Gill Gugel |
150 Gill Legs |
50 Glacial Rod |
40 Magic shield potion |
50 Muck Rod
150 Mycological Bow |
150 Mycological Mace |
100 Prismatic Armor |
80 Prismatic Boots |
100 Prismatic Helmet |
100 Prismatic legs |
100 Prismatic shield |
200 Shiny Blade |
150 Spellbook of Vigilance |
250 Thunderheart cuirass |
250 Thunderheart hauberk |
250 Thunderheart platemail |
250 Thundermind raiment |
250 Thundersoul tabard |
50 Wand of defiance |
50 Wand of everblazing |
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